As we embark into a time that will be bringing change in various forms (and some of that change may bring some folks feelings of anxiety, hope, or both - I get it) I want to step back and take a 40,000-foot view of things as it pertains to our business here at Bauman Engraving & Signs by asking this question: why do we do what we do?
Being in this business for over 20 years, and having over half of that being an owner, has taught me many things. It has taught patience, perseverance, vision, detail, compassion, and the discernment of when to say yes – and when to say no. But more than that, it has taught me to always ask why. In business I have learned why you do what you do is probably THE most important question of all. Because without knowing why, you are in a business of transactions – and not much else. It even can come across as disingenuous and ignorant. Customers feel it. Your employees feel it. And it will only be a matter of time before people move on. It’s human nature - with natural consequences.
Why is BES in business? Because we help solve people’s labeling and signage problems using integrity, knowledge, respect, efficiency, professionalism, and common sense. That’s it in a nutshell - in a macro sense. If we don’t have this view here – we are done. It's the point of the place. It’s that simple. I have been in business long enough to understand that very basic premise that often gets so overlooked by young entrepreneurs.
Let me explain by example: We here at BES help people by making legible and durable nameplates that accurately describe what is going on in that electrical panel or substation (And when you are dealing with thousands of volts that are potentially lethal, it's extremely important!). We help people by providing them nice signs that help direct occupants in their buildings effectively and safely with good information that is easy to read and conveys the feel and brand of their business. We help people by providing products that recognize others for a job well done, or uplifting others with a personalized gift. There are many more examples I could illustrate, but I think you get the idea.
It's not about the things we make. It’s about the people’s lives we help to make better.